true federation space encompassing over a region of space over a hundred
and fifty light years across, and exploration of over a hundred light
years beyond this inner border, the number of intelligent civilizations
is particularly rare. With only four member races the federation has
often considered the specific rarity of space-faring civilizations.
rarity of other civilizations ahs been considered along two lines, the
first addresses the rarity of suitable places for intellectual
development, and the species requirement for intelligence. The second
and more complex theory in many ways examines the likely lifetime and
interests of a star faring civilization. Though the former theory would
perceived as the strongest, it is actually the brevity of the second
that is most important.
inner federation space life seems abundant, there are hundreds of known
worlds with apparently indigenous life. In spite of very fragile
tolerances (relatively speaking) life seems to be commonplace, more so
than one would expect for a natural environment, this itself set up an
argument that the relatively high abundance of life was artificially
instigated by a very past race, or races.
most important factors for the existence of life is the stars around
which planets revolve, bright hot stars may have large habitable
regions, but their lifetimes are correspondingly brief. Cooler dimmer
stars may last a great deal longer (dwarfs may live for hundreds of
billions of years without great changes in luminosity) but their
habitable regions are correspondingly small, and such proximity tends to
lock the planet to the sun, which is not ideally suitable for life
(though does not rule it out). Even with these limitations of star types
(generally F-K) there are still a great number of these locally, and
these are by the way of commonest home for advanced life.
only do stars dictate suitable abodes for life, their chemistry of
formation is also important, a star system poor in rocks and metals will
not be able to support many good terrestrial planets, where as very high
metallicity may promote the formation of many excessively large
terrestrial planets, who take longer to cool down, and more volcanically
unstable, and prone to a greater frequency of collision. The federation
seems to exist in an optimal region of chemical distribution, being
further away from the core to have bright new stars, and a good but not
excessive metallicity.
above two requirements are in the way the most important dominating
factors behind creating habitable star systems, but there are many more
important factors that encourage life. Most of these minor factors are
quite evident, things like an unstable sun, high numbers of asteroids,
and high orbital eccentricity are contrary to supporting life. But there
many less evident but important factors. Large moons are quite
important, these large bodies prevent locking to the star, and maintain
a stable rotation, and axial inclination, as well as providing tides,
which open up new interfaces between land and ocean. Jovian planets are
also quite important, although their direct influence on planets is
nothing compared to a large moon, they act to soak up and expel
troublesome asteroids after planetary formation. Also these gas giants
also provide a second abode for life, there large gravitational
influence, and often-attendant family of moons can create tidal heat
amongst otherwise star distant worlds.
of this region of space has confirmed that where the above instances are
met life nearly always succeeds, as if it was an inevitable result for a
planet having the above conditions. Life has also succeeded on worlds
which are contrary to the supposed above rules as well, so there is no
lack of life supporting worlds which could support thriving
second to the first theory considers why intelligence is so rarely
adopted by species in biology. Intelligence seems to only evolve when
necessary, preprogrammed instincts and stupidity are in the way the most
commonly exploited method. Like The factors that govern whether life can
emerge on planets, intelligence also seems to have certain factors.
is very important, a steady stable environment is not conducive to
developing intelligence, as simple instincts can cover the conditions.
But a changing environment where organisms have to adapt and develop new
modes of living is conducive to intelligence.
the rarity of the organisms preferred food is important, if for example
it prefers fruit, and individual fruiting plants are scattered widely
and fruit only in some parts of the year, the organism requires an
ability to carefully remember where the plants are and when they fruit
to be efficient and getting its energy, this is conducive to
intelligence. Likewise feeding methods such as grazing, do not require
on the whole large amounts of intelligence to gather there food, though
seasonal changes may dictate migration to better grounds.
circumstance are also important, a species that mass produces offspring,
and invests very little in parental care, hoping that a combination of
robust instincts and terms of acceptable loss will be sufficient is
unlikely to become a sentient civilization species. Rather species that
invest much time with few offspring, with extended periods of infant
learning non-inherent skills from parents are more likely to be
kind of reasoning can be done throughout an entire ecology to
successfully identify potential intelligent species, and therefore give
an estimate of number of potentially civilizing species per ecosphere.
Even if this number very low (as is the norm), there should still be
plenty of species engaged in constructing civilizations.
is where the second important theory comes in, it is not really the
number of intelligent civilization potential species that is important,
but the actual length of civilization compared to the evolutionary time
to generate these species. Astro-archaeology suggests that space-faring
races rapidly gain technological prowess, and that technological
development is not a significant factor in a species lifetime. It is
also found that most civilizations do not die out of catastrophe
(despite the Great War evidence), but because of a voluntary choice of
transcension, where a civilization has achieved so high an ability that
there is nothing of challenge in this universe, and instead of remaining
trapped to one universe, they embark on one of their own design, and
disappear from this one in entirety (though there are many other finer
points to transcension). This means that there is a narrow window of
time for two civilizations to meet as a space faring culture. In fact
this window is incredibly narrow, so much so that the seemingly
miraculous co-development of the federation races actuall becomes more
of a near natural impossibility.
consequence of these theories not only highlight the fact that other
intelligent civilizations are rare, as has been observed, but also the
existence of the federation races so incredibly rare that they almost
without question the artifact of some greater design. |