examining the variety of life around us we have discovered bacteria
suited for every niche, and this method merely accelerates a natural
process which results in the excavation of rock, forming subterranean
caverns, or unusual surface lakes, this process has also been used to
hollow out asteroids, in more modern space applications.
organisms responsible are not just a single species of bacteria, but a
community of many different types of bacteria, who live around one
process, eating rock. Some of these bacteria excrete very powerful
acids, and these acids dissolve the rock. The bacteria themselves are
tolerant of the pH and live quite happily in an environment that is
stronger than battery acid, and they obtain their energy from chemical
manipulation of the dissolved rock chemicals. It is at this stage where
we begin to see the real complexity in the system, some bacteria act as
a scaffold holding the community to the rock face, and providing organic
compounds to the more specialized bacteria which process the minerals
into a biologically accessible form. These kind of natural systems
survive independently of sunshine or other energy sources, though they
prefer marine environments.
there remains one problem before we can put these organisms to work for
shaping rock, they are tortuously slow, and very often very choosy about
their substrates (nearly all examples within the federation rely mainly
on carbonates), these limiting factors have somewhat been subverted by
modern genetic engineering.
resulting bacteria can now can eat rock surfaces away at perhaps metres
per year, depending on rock type, though still very slow work, caverns
can be rapidly excavated by fracturing up the rock beforehand greatly
expanding the working surface. Also as the bacteria get established the
ambient pH of the space decreases rapidly, and to levels lower than even
their original extremes, so much so that even non-colonized rock is
rapidly broken down.
this acceleration is magnificent it also poses problems, firstly in
containing the bacteria, secondly to stop the acid water leaking into
local ecosystems and destroying what already exists.
limit the spread of the bacteria, a number of different techniques have
been established. The first, and simplest method is to make the
organisms dependent on a particular substance which is administered
controllably by site coordinators, bacteria spreading beyond the main
body of the growth medium are in solutions containing very little of the
dependent chemical, and so their growth is arrested. A problem in this
method is the threat of bacteria becoming able to synthesize the
substance themselves again, usually by incorporating foreign DNA.
method is making the bacteria dependent on a symbiote, whose numbers can
be very precisely controlled, without the symbiotic organisms present
the working population declines, as by itself it can not survive. A
common example is use of virus in a eukaryotic system. The virus itself
can interact with the cells in one of two ways, the first is a
destructive lytic cycle, which destroys the cell but releases replicated
copies of the virus, the second is a lysogenic cycle in which the virus
incorporates into the cell, and both exist together.
the cell is programmed to depend upon the virus for regulation (in the
lysogenic mode) of a particular function, say the lengthening of
telomeres (which in turn govern the number of times the organisms can
replicate), then the removal of the virus, or switching the virus to
lytic cycle (triggered by certain conditions) will destroy the organism
population, as those resistant to the virus lack its regulation, and
therefore cease to function, and those who able to be infected by the
virus are destroyed in lysis. Tailored virii as mentioned above can
reliably control large populations of cells, with their altered genomes
there is relatively little risk of bacteria taking the genes necessary
to survive independently of the virus.
oldest method which is still very much in use, involves the
incorporation of suicide genes, genes which when a certain condition is
met destroy the cell, and release potent chemicals that destroy other
nearby cells. This method has been refined to such a degree than even if
some cells in the population have corrupted control genes, the sheer
release of toxic compounds from the other ‘normal’ cells guarantees
sterilization of the working environment.
In any modern application many
of these control methods are used back to back to reliably control the
population, but with nearly all things in bioforming there is a risk of
loss of containment, which is more severe the more hospitable the
environment. It is partly for this reason why bioforming is used in
terraforming projects, as beyond the nurtured conditions provided the
organisms cannot survive.